Saturday, April 2, 2011

post adendum

[Aj] Ok, so we're on a tight schedule and also trying to find cool things to pick up on our way. I thought, "Hey, there's nothing more ubiquitous than postcards, right?" WRONG. The digital age has made the postcard all but extinct. I've asked a lady at one of the gas stations in Kentucky and with the thickest southern accent she said, "I'm sorry, hun we don' carry 'em. But I bet that the Cracker Barrel around the corner pry duz." In Kentucky it seems that there is a Cracker Barrel around the corner from every gas station..anyway we roll over there and I ask the just-out-of-high-school-doing-this-counter-job-to-get-out-of-having-to-go-to-college-cuz-I'm-done-lernin-fer-awile with jaded eyes if they have postcards. She does the slowest blink I have ever in my life witnessed and offers a quizzical, "a wut?" I said the word postcards once more, but it became apparent that this word held no meaning for her and I might as well have been speaking another language. So I looked around a bit and asked some other local patrons, they said they haven't seen postcards since..well it doesn't matter because they just don't have them and that is that.
So, we have picked up no mementos on this trip after passing through going on five states. Also, a neat little thing we have learned after our fourth state is that they put a state welcome center a couple of miles into the state with no prior signage and no hope to turn around for at least five miles if you missed it. Do they have postcards? I don't know, but we are hunting this endangered species and perhaps in our travels we will find one. I'll be sure to post a picture if we do.

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