Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chandler, OK the town that time forgot

Being in a hurry sucks. I mean we all know that but are rarely slapped in the face with that realization as all others for the most part are in a hurry as well. There are varying degrees of pace based on where one lives. New Yorkers, for example run on a feverish pace compared to any of the southern states; as any person who has worked in the food service industry and had the displeasure of serving a New York native can attest. And also, people from the mainland U.S. have a different pace than those of our fellow Americans living on any of the islands of Hawaii.
Now, getting back to the pace we are in...well, compared to Chandler, OK we are in a rush. We went off of the turnpike to grab a quick bite at a Sonic, fill up the tank, pee, switch drivers and get on the road. Well a sign for Sonic on the side of the highway does not carry a proximity indicator. This is a flagrant omission of pertinent information in my opinion, but if one were to know that the Sonic resided 3-5 miles off of the highway, one would likely just pass it up and suck it up until Oklahoma City. But not knowing this, I felt cheated and somehow betrayed.

In our lack of information, we also took a wrong turn and wound up getting gas and asking directions after going down the main street. And what a street. The town was all but abandoned. It's Sunday afternoon and not one of the main street businesses were open save the single gas station. It felt creepy passing the dark windows of businesses without pedestrians or any sign of life. Have you ever seen Children of the Corn? Where the couple goes through town and they can feel eyes on them but don't see anyone? And you know that something bad is going to happen? Yeah, that's about how this felt. I was all to eager to get our gas and get to the Sonic on the quick. It was a really cool town and I'm sure it would be a fantastic place to raise your kids, but the lack of people on the street or in the parks was really disturbing.
Well, we get to Sonic after losing another 15 minutes, order our food and sit down to Nom it in speedy guy fashion when the wind kicks up and nearly blows us and the poor waitress right the heck over! We open our food, pinning the wrapping to the table with forearms and in Jason's case, knees as well. We somehow manage to eat our food with only a few tots being blown into the next county.
We get back to the toll booth and Martha, remembering us from 30 minutes before waves us through as we had already paid. I think that town would have been far more pleasant had we had the time to hang out..or if the people hadn't been eradicated by a brain-sucking alien species. Or everyone hadn't used this Sunday to make a run into Oklahoma City to buy shoes. Whatever the reason, to the townfolk of Chandler, OK I say, "Please come back, passerby's would like to see you and meet you, regardless of how hideously disfigured you are from the nuclear fallout only affecting your fine city."

1 comment:

  1. sadly, sunday night in most places not NYC, SF or ATX don't normally have many people out and about, especially evenings downtown.

    my dad lives in a small town outside of FW. he was here in ATX recently and was asking me "what is going on downtown? we saw a bunch of people, they even had a street blocked off". I was had no real answer, other than, "it's another weekend in austin, there is always something going on". he just looked at me like I was being sarcastic, I wasn't.
